NWCDN Members regularly post articles and summary judgements in workers’ compensations law in your state.
Select a state from the dropdown menu below to scroll through the state specific archives for updates and opinions on various workers’ compensation laws in your state.
Contact information for NWCDN members is also located on the state specific links in the event you have additional questions or your company is seeking a workers’ compensation lawyer in your state.
The Division expends a great deal of effort to ensure compliance with its
deadlines and in fact, most of its enforcement actions involve a missed
deadline. Here is an overview of some of the most recent workers’ compensation
disciplinary orders:
Fine: $14,000. Violation: Carrier paid IIBs on a DD report 186 days late.
No. 2023-7845 03/15/23 Security National Ins. Co.
Fine: $1,500. Violation: Carrier took action on a medical bill 159 days
No. 2023-7842 03/10/23 Travelers Property Cas. Co. of Am.
Fine: $800. Violation: Carrier reported the true death benefit
termination 5,536 days late.
No. 2023-7831 03/01/23 West American Insurance Co.
Fine: $11,000. Violation: Carrier failed to timely make IIBs payments
from 6 to 111 days late.
No. 2023-7830 03/01/23 LM Insurance Corp.
Fine: $2,500. Violation: Carrier paid a medical bill 198 days late.
No. 2023-7829 02/28/23 National Interstate Ins. Co.
Fine: $10,000. Violation: Carrier failed to timely pay SIBs.
No. 2023-7827 02/28/23 Safety National Cas. Corp.
Fine: $10,000. Violation: Carrier paid IIBs on a DD report 175 days
No. 2023-7824 02/28/23 New Hampshire Ins. Co.
Fine: $5,500. Violation: Carrier paid benefits on a CCH decision 52 days
No. 2023-7823 02/28/23 New Hampshire Ins. Co.
Fine: $8,000. Violation: Carrier took action on a medical bill 35 days
No. 2023-7820 02/24/23 Chubb Indem. Ins. Co.
Fine: $700. Violation: Carrier paid medical bill 97 days late.
No. 2023-7815 02/21/23 Montgomery County
Fine: $3,500. Violation: Carrier started death benefits 57 days
No. 2023-7814 02/21/23 TASB Risk Mgmt. Fund
Fine: $4,000. Violation: Carrier paid benefits on a CCH decision 16 days
No. 2023-7812 02/21/23 TASB Risk Mgmt. Fund
Copyright 2023, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP