NWCDN Members regularly post articles and summary judgements in workers’ compensations law in your state.
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Contact information for NWCDN members is also located on the state specific links in the event you have additional questions or your company is seeking a workers’ compensation lawyer in your state.
jstone@slsaustin.com jloughlin@slsaustin.com dswanson@slsaustin.com eshanley@slsaustin.com
eholmes@slsaustin.com dprice@slsaustin.com sgatlin@slsaustin.com
April 2013 Workers’ Compensation Law Update
More Bills Related to Workers’ Compensation
Last month, we provided you with a summary of the more important bills the Legislature is considering which make substantive changes to comp. And keep your eye on the following additional bills—
• SB 1550/HB 2787 - Allows claimants to recover attorneys’ fees if they prevail on judicialreview of a medical necessity dispute, irrespective of whether the appeal was filed by the claimant or the carrier.
• HB 1762 - Provides that a certificate of insurance showing a temporary employment service maintains comp insurance constitutes proof of workers’ compensation coveragefor both the service and all employees of the service assigned to a client company.
• HB 287 - Requires an IRO or URA, on written request by a party to a reviewed medical dispute, toprovide the name and qualifications of the healthcare providerwho performed the review.
In Addition, Bill Would Make Use of Name or Symbols Related to "Texas" and "Workers’ Compensation" Illegal Only When Used in Deceptive Manner
Currently, the Texas Labor Code makes it illegal to use the terms "Texas" and "Workers’ Compensation" in a business name or document when related to a product or service concerning workers’ compensation coverage or benefits. SB 381 would amend Texas Labor Code §§419.001 and 419.002 and only make the use of the terms illegal if they are used in a "deceptive manner." The amendment explains that "deceptive manner" means a person knows the use of the terms would or could convey the "false impression" that someone, something, or some speech is endorsed or authorized by the DWC.
OIEC Budget on the Chopping Block?
In a recent floor amendment, freshman State Rep. Craig Goldman sought to eliminate $8.2 million of yearly funding to the Office of Injured Employee Counsel. While the signs indicate the amendment will not pass, it is interesting to see that OIEC is again the target of budget cuts.
Tip on Filling Out Form DWC 32: Multiple Certifications
A recent article by Erika Copeland at DWC reminded system participants that multiple certifications taking into account different outcomes for an extent of injury determination will only be provided by a designated doctor when the doctor is ordered to address MMI, IR, and extent of injury. If only MMI and IR is requested, multiple certifications will not be provided. This means adjusters should request the DD address extent of injury, in addition to MMI and IR, if multiple certifications are desired. It is not clear whether the opinion on extent and the opinion on MMI/IR have to be by the same doctor, or can be different doctors, or if the reviews have to be at the same time.
Workers’ Compensation? Worker’s Compensation? Or Workers Compensation?
There is an ongoing debate among pedantic system participants like us about the proper use of an apostrophe in the term, "worker[’]s[’] compensation." We invite you to join the debate. Stone Loughlin & Swanson will provide a $25 Starbucks gift card to the first person to e-mail Jane Stone at
jstone@slsaustin.com with the correct punctuation. Twitter-speak not allowed.