State News : Texas

NWCDN is a network of law firms dedicated to protecting employers in workers’ compensation claims.

NWCDN Members regularly post articles and summary judgements in workers’ compensations law in your state.  

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Last July, we informed you that Commissioner Brannan had authorized for contested case hearings to be held in the Metro Center Building (commonly referred to as Austin Central) in addition to the Austin Field Office. The expansion was originally to have been a temporary solution intended to accommodate a surge in the number of workers’ compensation claims filed in Austin area and alleviate congestion on the Field Office docket. 

Now, it appears that not only will hearings be held in Austin Central on a permanent basis, the Field Office itself may become a thing of the past.  The DWC is rumored to be planning a complete closure of the Field Office in September 2017, at which point all Austin workers’ comp cases will be heard in the Central Office, presumably by two of the three traveling judges who are based there. 

Plans are under way to renovate the Metro Center Building to accommodate not only two new hearing rooms, but also offices for Benefit Review Officers and ombudsmen, who will also be relocated.