State News : Texas

NWCDN is a network of law firms dedicated to protecting employers in workers’ compensation claims.

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DWCreleased itsbiennial reportto the84th  LegislatureinDecember. Accordingto thereport, injury rates,insurance rates,and premiumsand claimscosts aredown andemployerparticipation, return-to-work outcomes,access tocare, andmedicaldispute resolutionare betterthan ever.DWC didnote that there isroom forimprovementin reducingthe numberof designated doctor disputes, injuredemployee educationand outreachand reducingthe numberof work-related fatalities. DWC included two legislative recommendations in thereport: 1)increase themaximumreimbursement for burial benefits; and 2) establish a pilot safety reimbursement programfor small employers.


TDI alsopublishedan Analysis ofthe Impact ofthe 2005Legislative Reformson theTexas Workers’CompensationSystem inDecember this wasthe “network” legislation. Thatreport also favorablyreports thestate ofworkers’ compensationin Texas.Highlights from the reportinclude:

1) workers’compensation insurancehas beenprofitable eachyear from2005-2013 (asmeasured by theindustry’s combinedratios andreturn onnet worth);2) thenumberof employersparticipating in networksand employeesbeing treatedby network providershas increased (approximately42% of new claims are network claims); 3) injured employeesatisfactionwithcare andhealth-related outcomes increased since 2005 (according to recent injured employee surveys); 4)total medical costsforprofessionalservices decreasedfrom itspeak in 2002until2007,buttherewasan increasing trend beginning in 2008, which seems to haveleveled off since 2011; and 5) overall wholeclaim denials,medical disputesand thenumberof claimswith disputesare atthe lowestlevel since 2008.