State News : Texas

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From PB & J to PBO

On February 16, 2022, TDI released the results from its 2021 Health Care Provider Performance-Based Oversight (PBO), which evaluated medical providers’ responsiveness in two areas: timeliness of filing DWC Form-069 Reports of Medical Evaluation, and completeness of DWC Form-73 Work Status Reports.  

Of the 96 providers assessed for the former category, 66 were placed in the high performer category, indicating a timely filing of DWC-69 certifications of maximum medical improvement and impairment rating.  The remaining providers split equally into the average and poor performer groups, with 15 apiece.  

For the completeness of DWC-73 work status reports, 45 of the 91 reviewed medical providers were high performers, 38 were deemed average, and only 8 were found deficient. 

TDI posted these findings on its website with the courtesy warning that all health care providers, whether reviewed in this data or not, are required to comply with the Texas Labor Code and DWC rules regarding prompt and complete issuance of DWC forms.

The DWC will also evaluate insurance carriers sometime in 2022.