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The Division is
accepting public comments on three new proposed forms:
DWC Form-003, Employer’s Wage
Statement: The proposed new DWC-003 includes substantially the same
information contained in the old form, however, the new form appears much
clearer and less complicated for employers to complete.
DWC Form-003ME, Employee’s
Multiple Employment Wage Statement: This form provides the injured
employee a way to provide wage information for other employers to the Carrier
for calculation of the average weekly wage and issue income benefits when the
injury affects ability to work.
DWC Form-003SD, Employer’s
Wage Statement for School Districts, allows employers a way to report
wage information to the Carrier to calculate average weekly wage and issue
income benefits for school district employees.
DWC will consider all substantive comments before adopting the proposed new
forms which may be viewed here.
Written comments should be submitted on the forms by 5:00 p.m. on June 21, 2022
to: RuleComments@tdi.texas.gov.
Copyright 2022, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP