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The Division on November 14, 2024, announced it had adopted amendments to 28
Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 127, Designated Doctor Procedures and
Requirements and 28 TAC Chapter 131, Benefits - Lifetime Income Benefits. The
amendments implement HB 2468, 88th Legislature, Regular Session (2023) which
amended Texas Labor Code §408.0041 concerning Designated Doctor examinations,
and enacted Labor Code §408.1615 concerning Lifetime Income Benefits for
Certain First Responders.
You may access information concerning the amended 28 TAC §127.1 and new TAC
§127.25 here and 28 TAC §§131.1 - 131.4 and
28 TAC §§131.10 – 131.14 here.
The Division also updated the following related DWC forms:
Revised: DWC Form-032, Request for Designated Doctor Examination.
New: DWC Form-038, Application for Lifetime Income Benefits.
New: DWC Form-039, First Responder’s Annual Certification for Lifetime Income
Revised: DWC PLN-04, Notice of Eligibility for Lifetime Income Benefits.
Revised: DWC PLN-07, Notice of Change of Indemnity Benefit Type.
You may access the revised and new DWC Forms here.
Copyright 2024, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP