State News : Texas

NWCDN is a network of law firms dedicated to protecting employers in workers’ compensation claims.

NWCDN Members regularly post articles and summary judgements in workers’ compensations law in your state.  

Select a state from the dropdown menu below to scroll through the state specific archives for updates and opinions on various workers’ compensation laws in your state.

Contact information for NWCDN members is also located on the state specific links in the event you have additional questions or your company is seeking a workers’ compensation lawyer in your state.




A joint project sponsored by the Law-Related Education Department of the State Bar of Texas, the U.S. District Courts of Texas, and Law Focused Education, Inc. is seeking attorneys to serve as virtual guest speakers to school classrooms across the state on Constitution Day, September 26, 2022 (observed). The Zoom program will last approximately one hour, requires minimal preparation work, and affords attorneys the opportunity to earn pro bono hours while educating and engaging Texas high school students. 

For more information concerning this professional opportunity, attorneys may register here.

You may also contact or with questions.

Copyright 2022, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP