State News : Texas

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Senate Bill 1897, which would have expanded chiropractors’ scope of practice to allow them to go beyond the musculoskeletal system and to diagnose and treat disorder of the nervous system, failed to make it through committee.  The Senate Health and Human Services Committee heard testimony on the bill on April 29th.  The chiropractors argued that because nerves are associated with the musculoskeletal system, one cannot treat one without affecting the other, so they needed to be permitted to treat the nervous system. The Texas Medical Association disagreed, arguing that this was akin to saying that treatment of the musculoskeletal system also requires treatment of the heart and circulatory system because the heart provides blood to the bone and muscles.  The Association also argued that treating neurological disorders was far beyond a chiropractor’s education and training, even for chiropractors designated as chiropractic neurologists by the American Chiropractic Neurology Board.  Sara Austin, MD, an Austin-based neurologist testifying in opposition to the bill, argued that adding neuro to chiropractors’ practice was not merely the addition of the nerves that may connect muscle tissue or bones.  Rather, “[i]t is the addition of the entire neurological system that includes the brain, spinal cord, and the regulation of many bodily functions beyond chiropractors’ education and training.”

-  Copyright 2019,Erin ShanleyStone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP.