State News : Texas

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Last month we reported that Travis County District Court Judge Stephen Yelenosky would hear the appeal of the State Office of Administrative Hearings’ (SOAH) decision in the lead group of air ambulance fee disputes between various workers’ compensation carriers and PHI Air Medical.  SLS’s own James Loughlin represents many of the insurers involved in this ground-breaking litigation.  

On December 15, 2016, Judge Yelenosky agreed with SOAH that the Airline Deregulation Act (ADA) does not preempt Texas workers’ compensation laws that govern the amount of reimbursement paid to air ambulance providers for transporting injured workers.  The judge also ruled that air ambulances are entitled to reimbursement of no amount greater than 125% of the Medicare fee schedule, which reversed the SOAH judge’s ruling that those companies could be reimbursed at 149% of the Medicare rate.  

PHI Air is expected to appeal Judge Yelenosky’s decision and the fee disputes at the DWC level have been abated pending the final outcome of this litigation.