State News : Texas

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Readers will recall the article in last month’s Compendium concerning the adventure of attending a CCH at the new Barbara Jordan Building in the Capital Complex at 1601 Congress Avenue. That article included the shortcut to a YouTube video produced by the Division containing instructions for parking and attending a hearing.

This month the Division released additional information calculated to address some of the confusion surrounding availability of parking while attending a hearing. You may find the Division’s latest instructions here: TDI website

A few of the high points:

1)    Mobility-impaired participants may park in the garage beneath the Barbara Jordan Building if they have a valid handicap parking permit and contact DWC.

2)    The Division does provide a limited number of parking spaces for hearing participants, however, you must contact DWC at least 5 working days prior to the hearing to request a parking pass which will be emailed to you. Print the parking pass and place it on your vehicle’s front window. If you wish a parking pass mailed to you, contact the Division at least 10 working days prior to the hearing. 

3)    Visitors to the DWC offices must park in Garage B, on the top floor in a space that is not marked “reserved.” To make parking and visiting the DWC offices easier, the Division has provided the following handy map:


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