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Compiled by: Kyla Block
Commissioner Myra L. Griffin was confirmed to the Full Commission on June 29, 2018 to fill the unexpired term of former Commissioner Linda Cheatham. Governor Cooper appointed Commissioner Griffin as an emergency appointment to allow her to act as a Full Commissioner prior to her confirmation by the legislature. Commissioner Griffin will serve the remainder of former Commissioner Cheatham’s term which ends in 2022. Thereafter, she will then be eligible for reappointment to one six year term.
Deputy Commissioner Robert Harris had also been appointed by Governor Cooper to join the full Commission to replace Commissioner Nance, whose term expired on June 30, 2018, but Deputy Commissioner Harris was not confirmed by the legislature. He will remain a Deputy Commissioner for the remainder of his term. After his term ends, Deputy Commissioner Harris could be reappointed to another six year term as a Deputy by the Chair of the Commission.
The position on the Full Commission filled by former Commissioner Nance remains open. The legislature is currently out of session and any replacement is more likely to be announced in January, but Governor Cooper could appointment someone to fill the opening on an emergency basis and that individual would then be subject to confirmation when the General Assembly comes back in to session.
Ashley M. Moore has been appointed as a Deputy Commissioner in Raleigh. Ms. Moore served as a law clerk to Chair Allen, former Commissioner Linda Cheatham, and Vice-Chairman Yolanda K. Stith.