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H&W Webinar: Wednesday 4/20/22 - MTGs for PTSD and Acute Stress
4/20/22, Victoria Hahn will present
"Medical Treatment Guidelines for PTSD and Acute Stress
Disorder". The New York Workers’ Compensation Board has adopted
new Medical Treatment Guidelines for post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) and acute stress disorder. This webinar will review those new
guidelines, including an overview of diagnosis, assessment, and treatment
recommendations. We will also review how the Board has ruled in previous
PTSD claims and how these prior rulings may carry over into the new
Guidelines. **NY Attorney CLE credit is pending for this program
It will be held at 11:00 AM EST on Wednesday, April 20th 2022. Please click here to register.
You may also copy the link below and paste into your browser to register:
Hamberger &
Weiss LLP - Buffalo Office 700 Main Place
Tower 350 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14202 716-852-5200
Hamberger &
Weiss LLP - Rochester Office 1 South Washington
Street Suite 500 Rochester, NY
14614 585-262-6390