State News : Louisiana

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In Burgess v. Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans, 2016-2267 (La. 06/29/2017) the Louisiana Supreme Court has held that the choice of pharmacy in a workers’ compensation case belongs to the employer, and not the employee.  Resolving a split in the state’s circuit courts of appeal, the Supreme Court acknowledged that La. R.S. 23:1203 obligates an employer “to furnish all necessary drugs” to the injured employee. The statute does not, however, directly address who has the right to choose the pharmacy to dispense the drugs.  The Court noted that the Legislature could have explicitly given employees the choice of pharmacy, just as it gave employees the choice of physician under the statutory scheme, but the legislature did not. The Court reasoned that given the statutory ambiguity (and because prescription medications need only be furnished in a timely manner regardless of where they come from), as well as the cost-consciousness implicit in the statute, employers should control pharmacy dispensing.