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Attorney Adam Bates obtained a complete defense verdict for his client in front of the Iowa Workers’ Compensation Commission. Claimant had alleged an injury to his low back and claimed entitlement to significant industrial disability as a result. The injury was denied by Mr. Bates’ client as non-work related and a failure to timely report the injury. Mr. Bates successfully argued to the Commission that Claimant’s injury was not work-related based upon medical evidence, witness testimony, and Claimant’s failure to timely report his injury as work-related.
The Deputy Workers’ Compensation Commissioner agreed with Attorney Bates’ arguments, dismissing Claimant’s case in its entirety. A copy of the decision can be found here.
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Peddicord Wharton Legal Updates are intended to provide information on current developments in legislation impacting our clients. Readers should not rely solely upon this information as legal advice. Peddicord Wharton attorneys would be pleased to answer any questions you may have about this update. ©2021 Peddicord Wharton. All Rights Reserved.