State News : Georgia

NWCDN is a network of law firms dedicated to protecting employers in workers’ compensation claims.

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Our Legislative Session for 2024-2025 has kicked off and I am pleased to report that, at this time, there are no proposed changes that currently impact our WC system. In Georgia, our Advisory Council is generally the body that presents any proposed uniform changes to the Legislature but this year there are no changes being presented. Of course, each session presents the possibility for surprises, and we will keep you informed of those. For now, however, it appears that smooth sailing lies ahead from Georgia’s employers regarding Statutory changes.

Several dates have been released by the State Board that would be of interest to claims specialists and employers alike. First, the 2024 Annual Educational Conference will take place August 26-28, 2024, at the Hotel at Avalon in Alpharetta, Georgia. Additional information will soon be available on the Board website at Second, Georgia celebrates the 25th anniversary of our CWCP (Certified Worker’s Compensation Specialist) program! The CWCP Certification Program is a comprehensive claims management training course that was developed by the Chairman’s Advisory Council at the Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation. The Program is designed to educate participants on the fundamentals of workers’ compensation, and then continue to reinforce and build upon those fundamentals through continued education to ensure that each CWCP Certified Professional has a thorough understanding of Georgia’s Workers’ Compensation system. The CWCP Program consists of a Certification Course and a Re-Certification Course. The CWCP Certification Course is a pre-requisite for a Georgia Workers’ Compensation Adjuster’s License. More information can be found at