NWCDN Members regularly post articles and summary judgements in workers’ compensations law in your state.
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Contact information for NWCDN members is also located on the state specific links in the event you have additional questions or your company is seeking a workers’ compensation lawyer in your state.
Rayford H. Taylor
Of Counsel
Casey Gilson P.C.
Six Concourse Parkway, Suite 2200
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
770-512-0300 -Ext. 529
770-512-0070 -Fax
House Bill 154 made the following changes:
1. Amendments to Section 34-9-200(a) O.C.G.A. provide that for all injuries sustained after June 30, 2013, employers will only have to provide medical benefits for a maximum of 400 weeks for all injuries which are not designated to be catastrophic.
2. Section 34-9-203(c) O.C.G.A. has been amended to require employer/carriers make mileage payments to claimants within 15 days of receipt of the mileage reimbursement request and documentation.
3. Lump sum payments will be based upon a present value calculation of 5% per annum, instead of 7%, pursuant to Section 34-9-222(a) O.C.G.A.
4. Section 34-9-240 O.C.G.A. was amended to address return-to-work issues. An employee released to return to work has to try the job for at least 8 cumulative hours or one scheduled work day, whichever is greater. If the employee does not perform the job for 15 days before stopping, weekly benefits have to start again and the employer has to prove the employee is not entitled to continue receiving indemnity benefits. If the employee tries the job for less than 8 cumulative hours or one scheduled work day, or refuses to work, the employer may cease benefits and the burden shifts to the employee to prove he cannot perform the job to restart indemnity benefits.
5. The maximum TTD rate was increased from $500 to $525 in Section 34-9-261 O.C.G.A., and the maximum TPD rate was increased from $334 to $350 in Section 34-9-262 O.C.G.A.