NWCDN Members regularly post articles and summary judgements in workers’ compensations law in your state.
Select a state from the dropdown menu below to scroll through the state specific archives for updates and opinions on various workers’ compensation laws in your state.
Contact information for NWCDN members is also located on the state specific links in the event you have additional questions or your company is seeking a workers’ compensation lawyer in your state.
Senate Bill 863 was signed into law by Governor Brown on Sept. 18, 2012,. Many of its provisions take place January 1, 2013. The bill makes wide-ranging changes to California's workers' compensation system, including increased benefits to injured workers and cost-saving efficiencies. Click on our Power Point Presentation in the Updates Section of our website for a complete discussion of the changes. Hanna Brophy Clients: please contact your local Hanna Brophy office or email this website for the next Hanna Brophy in-person presentation of SB 863 changes and strategies http://www.hannabrophy.com