State News : Arkansas

NWCDN is a network of law firms dedicated to protecting employers in workers’ compensation claims.

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CHI St. Vincent Infirmary v. McCauley, 2023 Ark.App. 126. 


  • Claimant injured her hip and back after tripping on a sidewalk at work. The employer denied the claim as compensable on the grounds that she was not performing employment services at the time of the injury. Claimant was a nurse supervisor whose office was not equipped with basic office supplies, but she had the option of ordering supplies through the department secretary. Instead, because it was unclear when she would receive those supplies, she decided to purchase her own supplies and bring them to the office in her car. On her lunch break, she went to her car to retrieve the items and tripped on the sidewalk. The ALJ found that the Claimant was going to her car for her own sole benefit and convenience because she was retrieving nonessential, nonwork related items.

  • The Full Commission reversed the ALJ, finding that the Claimant was performing duties which at least indirectly benefitted the employer. 

  • On appeal from the employer, the Court of Appeals affirmed. The Court cited case law stating that an injury suffered by an employee while on break is compensable if the employer has imposed some duty or requirement on the employee to be fulfilled during a break. Moncus v. Billingsley Logging, 366 Ark. 383, 235 S.W.3d 877 (2006). The Court pointed to Claimant’s testimony that, as a nurse supervisor, she was still “technically on duty” and subject to being called back to work during her lunch break despite the employer noting it would be “very unusual.”