State News : Alabama

NWCDN is a network of law firms dedicated to protecting employers in workers’ compensation claims.

NWCDN Members regularly post articles and summary judgements in workers’ compensations law in your state.  

Select a state from the dropdown menu below to scroll through the state specific archives for updates and opinions on various workers’ compensation laws in your state.

Contact information for NWCDN members is also located on the state specific links in the event you have additional questions or your company is seeking a workers’ compensation lawyer in your state.





Do not forget to submit your 2015 Membership Application. Applications must be postmarked by February 27th in order to attend the Spring Conference at no charge. If you want to pay your membership fee via credit card, simply indicate that fact on the application and you will be contacted by the AWCO treasurer. See our 1/6/15 blog post (below) for more information on how to join.


About the Author

This blog submission was prepared by Mike Fish, an attorney with Fish, Nelson & Holden, LLC, a law firm dedicated to representing self-insured employers, insurance carriers, and third party administrators in all matters related to workers' compensation. Fish Nelson & Holden is a member of the National Workers' Compensation Defense Network. If you have any questions about this submission or Alabama workers' compensation in general, please contact Fish by e-mailing him or by calling him directly at 205-332-1448.